Membership Application
Your name
E-mail address
Please tick the box if you are interested in any of the following collecting areas:
Mint Stamps
Postal History
Used Stamps
World War 2 Mail
First Day Covers
1919 Provisionals
1940/1941 Provisionals
Maxi Cards
Franco Betalt
Postal Stationery
Pre Stamp Mail
Postage Paids
Picture Postcards
Do you have any suggestions for the Study Circle?
The annual membership fee is 12.00 £ for ELECTRONIC delivery to all UK and worldwide addresses, 18.00 £ for POSTAL delivery to UK addresses, 25.00 £ for POSTAL delivery to European addresses, and 30.00 £ for POSTAL delivery to all addresses outside Europe, and should be sent to the address below. Payment should be made by cheque (in GB Pounds), payable to the 'Faroe Islands Study Circle'. Payments from outside the United Kingdom may be made in cash, in GB Pounds, US Dollars or Euros. Payment may also be made by PayPal. Contact the secretary for further details.
Please contact the secretary if you have any queries. Please note that your membership application cannot be accepted until payment has been received.
By completing the 'Signature' box below you are agreeing to abide by the rules of the Faroe Islands Study Circle.
Please type your name in the "Signature" box. By doing so you are declaring that the above information is correct and that you understand that the personal data you have provided will be used solely for the purpose outlined in the Study Circle's Data Handling Agreement. A copy of the Agreement can be obtained on request to the Secretary.
For cheques and "snail mail" please use the following -
Norman Hudson, 40 Queen's Road, Vicar's Cross, Chester, CH3 5HB, Great Britain